Music composer, SheUp Intern

Adele Shen is a music composer and aspiring entrepreneur, and an intern at SheUp. In her spare time, she loves writing poems and researching about different artists. Her passions are marketing and playing volleyball.


  • I joined SheUp during Christmas vacation as an intern because I was deeply inspired by the SheUp leaders and the core pillars of SheUp. I felt really inspired and encouraged to step a bit more into the professional field, and I wanted to get more experience in what it is like to be an entrepreneur.

  • I am inspired by all the people who have the courage to be themselves, because that taught me a lot about self-acceptance and confidence. No matter what choices one chooses in one’s life, having the courage to be oneself and not conform to the overhwhelming norm is very powerful.

  • I feel encouraged when I read stories or listen to inspiring speeches about how people overcame their difficulties. Knowing about these stories expands my vision and encourages me to think outside of the box.

  • My favourite way to connect with people is to do some activity of mutual interest like playing a game of a sport. I also love to walk through the beautiful streets of Shanghai and have casual conversations.