some ways you can get involved with the SheUp community!

becoming a member

The new SheUp Membership includes new features for you to grow as an entrepreneur - Including access to exclusive services/consultations in brand development, supply chain, and marketing. Join us for weekly member events and gatherings and enjoy exclusive deals/discounts from our sponsors. Learn more here.

becoming a sponsor

We are extremely grateful for our sponsors who support us in hosting various events and gatherings. We have an incredibly wide platform with the SheUp community to boast our sponsors’ products and services.

becoming a partner

We are proud to be able to partner with a wide range of organizations and corporations around the world following our common goal of equalizing the business world for women. Contact us to chat about different ways we could work together!

write for the blog

The SheUp blog is home to writings on entrepreneurial advice, feminist culture, and unique experiences by writers within the SheUp community. Contact us if you’re interested in being a featured writer for the SheUp blog! Posted on both our official WeChat platform and online blog.

add to the community

We all have something to share. Whether it’s expertise in communications, marketing, design, networking, translations, product development, financial advice, or offering a creative perspective. Contact us below if you have any questions about the She Up membership or how you could join our leadership team.

Get Involved With SheUp: