Auspicious Leadership - Explore the future by doing, seeing, and experiencing!

 Mentorship Goals:

  • • Generate personal reflection through self knowledge practices

    • Understand relational practices that are essential for any kind of leadership today

    • Apply social practices using existing technologies on the places you work, live, and study, to achieve positive (short/medium and long term) results for your projects.

    • Help change your underlying paradigms of thought, and to connect with deeper sources of creativity and self.

Best For:

  • Anyone looking to learn from past experiences and the emerging future of possibilities that already exists in the world of business, but essentially for those who believe in social technologies for learning, leading and innovating.

Duration: 2 months | Frequency: 2 calls every month, 120min each call | Price: 350.88CAD // 1818.22RMB

 About Thauana Morais

Founder of auspicious woman | SheUp | Observa China's Resource Director | Business, innovation, technology and gender studies. Thauana holds a BA in International Relations from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) and a M.Phil in International Relations from University of Zhejiang (ZJU). Thauana lived in China for 5 years, studied and worked in England, Poland and Portugal. Today she is based in Canada, and works with business development and entrepreneurship education, having projects related to female empowerment and technology. Her work is carried out within the organizations auspicious woman, SheUp and Observa China whose aim to develop solutions for innovators in the world of international business, technology and academia.

  • Thauana brings people together. For her it all starts with a connection, nurturing relationships, sharing experiences, exploring opportunities, finding synergies, and growing in tandem. In her spare time she practices yoga, roller skating and surfing.

    Afters years of research and experiments (which are still going on), in 2020 she felt encouraged to find a possible direction for human beings, and their paths on planet earth. she lives by the motto how can we make social interactions less programmed but more lovable and real connected? if you think a little, the answer to this question is what help fostered all great solutions and experiences that we can see in our world.

    There are many future possibilities, we just need to activate our inner truth and pay close attention to what/who already exists to evolve to a positive possible future.