SheUp Events


SheUp Talks

Hear from various professionals on their experience and expertise in different industries. Speakers include members of our community and guests from our partners.


SheUp Workshops

Interactive courses for you to learn from professionals in our community and outside guests. An opportunity to receive direct support in growing your platform.


SheUp Network

Events organized for members to meet, connect with, and support each other. Including collaborative workspaces and brainstorming or strategizing sessions.


SheUp Online

Sessions tailored to be hosted completely online with guest speakers from around the world. Listen, learn, and be a part of a wide range of online events.

Upcoming Events!


Nurkalieva Aiza: Tech Industry in China (IG Live)

Nurkalieva Aiza is the CEO and founder of Artificial intelligence for Natural insights (AiNi). AiNi specializes in technological innovations through AR, VR, and AI for the disabled. High quality solutions are developed through softwares and hardwares, specifically designed for deaf people with customization and ease-of-use at its core.

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Want to host an event with us?

We are always looking for passionate individuals willing to share their experiences and/or expertise with the SheUp community. Make sure to contact us if you are interested in collaborating to host an event with us!