business Rachel K. Zhang business Rachel K. Zhang

Grab Your Financial Parachute — And jump into the unknown!

We have 3 more months to finish 2020 strong. It’s up to you whether this year is a “doesn’t count year” or it’s the year that you achieve your goal!

Since this month’s SheUp theme is “embrace the unknown”, here is a 3-step guide on how to be ready with your financial parachute so you can jump into your new adventure and say: This 2020 was a great year for me.

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Rachel K. Zhang Rachel K. Zhang

[ PT. 2 ] What Really Matters - How Far Can You Go?

Christine Marote is the SheUp August ‘Woman of the Month!’ She moved to Shanghai in January of 2009 after traveling for four years from São Paulo, Brazil to Chang Chun in China’s Jilin province. After starting her blog, China Na Minha Vida (China In My Life), she found her passion for writing and researching Chinese culture. With a background in education, she is also a two-time published author and advisor for people and companies coming to China.

Read the second part of her article “What Really Matters - How Far Can You Go?”

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Rachel K. Zhang Rachel K. Zhang

SheUp: NEW LOOK, same message

SheUp just got a new look and some AMAZING new features. Learn about our 2020 rebrand, the inspiration behind it, and some exciting updates about the SheUp community from one of the leaders behind it.

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inspiration Zeinab Khalid inspiration Zeinab Khalid

The Most Influential Women of 2019

The Forbes’ list of the top 10 most influential women in the world in 2019, who used their power for positive influence, including hard power (currencies and constitutions), dynamic power (audiences, communities and creative influence) and soft power (what leaders do with their influence).

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